Ivy is an award-winning humor writer, comedian and storyteller. She co-produces Solo Heroes, a forum for theater artists developing solo performance pieces. In 2017, Ivy debuted her solo show Loud, Large and Funny, a musical about being sucker-punched, in her late 50s, during a corporate layoff. If you are a Hudson Valley resident, you may know Ivy from Pros(e) of Pie, a popular storytelling and pie-bake-off.
Danielle - an Emmy award winner and Moth StorySLAM champion, runs dash. - a consultancy that helps companies tell stories. She's a former on-air TV reporter, a documentary producer, and is co-author of the Jewish Family Fun Book series. Danielle was a fellow in the 2023 Digital Storytellers Lab and is producing The Nightingale of Iran, a documentary podcast series being released on PRX in January 2024.
In 2019, Danielle Dardashti and Ivy Eisenberg met for breakfast. Over omelettes - BOOM! - an idea was hatched.
STORYBOOM is a live storytelling show based in White Plains, New York. Friends and neighbors share true stories face-to-face with a live audience.